Leaders, Abandonment, Abundance, Ancestral Trauma, Anger, Anxiety, Creativity, Confidence, Connection, Depression, Disappointment, Fear, Gaslighting, General Practice, Grief, Connecting With Your Heart, Insecurity, Intimacy, Perfectionism, Parenting, Powerlessness, Relationships, Safety, Self Acceptance, Self Love, Separation, Sensitivity, Shame, Social Anxiety

Note: Special focus on working with Leaders, parents who struggle with ancestral trauma, and difficult parent/child dynamics. (Read More Below)

Working together

All sessions are held on Zoom or Phone

Single Session

30 Min Discovery Call | Free

Blindspot Call | 60 min | $150

2 hr Single Session | 120 min | $300

3 Hr Single Session | 180 min | $450

What to expect

Give yourself the opportunity to discover and own your talents and gifts, everyone has one. Want to find yours?

Expect to experience support, upmost care, and acceptance with all your emotions. To be safely seen, heard, and understood. In session, I use my skills to help you resolve what you want, together. Where the outcome is no longer a trigger and/or creating a non-resistant healthy boundary.  Not only would you experience resolve, but you will also forever walk away with a new skill set. How to build a clutter free relationship, connection, support, and self-love. As well as expanded awareness in finding clarity in your personal truth, worries, resistance, and many more.  Gradually and naturally for yourself, your environment, and others.

WOODS 5-Day Program

Intense Retreat For 5 Days

Each session- Reserved 7 hours per session- 1 hour towards break/meal

2x Private Zoom Chat

Ongoing Signal Text Support

This program is a chance to experience Ayahuasca sober.  A full immersive healing experience, with as much hand-holding and support as you need. It’ll be a deep dive, exploring your suppressed self (selves) where we will concentrate and focus on a certain matter for a detailed cleanse and healing through integration.  As well as everything mentioned in the single session. Each day will be an organic experience utilizing CP and Parts Work(by self or/with facilitator) for this program.

You can also dedicate the 5 day retreat program to dive deep into more than one area you’re currently struggling with. Integrate as many as you want within the 6 hours reserved for you. Through ongoing Signal text support, you can reach me anytime with questions, insights, triggers. This way we can stay in real time with your progress.

Each session is as long as your consciousness needs it to be. Time won’t play a restraint when we’re in a deep session together. You’re also welcome to take a short break in between. Each of these sessions should be thought of as an intensive workshopping of the mind; we’re piecing a puzzle together. Beginning with current triggers, then memories and emotional states. The benefit of these long sessions is that we’ll make sure you arrive at a sense of completion. We’ll go farther and deeper than we’ve ever gone into your mind!

Two additional private chats are offered in this program for an hour. A moment to connect, communicate, and seek for any advice or updates without a session.

This program is for you if:

  • You don’t want to wander in the dark alone anymore.

  • You are ready for change

  • You’re exhausted and feel stagnant in your toxic emotional cycles.

  • You’re ready to get to know whole new sides and parts of your consciousness.

  • You’re ready to commit to your healing in an intensive and focused way.

  • You’re ready to immerse yourself in your subconscious mind and reconnect with your inner-child.

  • You’re curious about who you really are without your self-destructive thoughts and behaviors.

  • You’re ready to finally reach out for deep support on your healing journey.


“She holds your vulnerability and has an incredible sense of what is needed to heal. Healing is Silvia’s passion. If I had inner children I couldn’t reach, then she would be the one to offer her hand to them.” - past client


In-depth 1 on 1 Process

Whether in a singular session or in a series of sessions, when we work together, you can expect that I may move fluidly between different modalities of inquiry as the situation calls for them. We use both emotional states and logic to travel between current trigger states and root memories from which the emotional states have been born.

I’ll be like Sherlock Holmes, decoding words and piecing fragments together. You’re in complete charge of your pace, the depth of inquiry. I want you to feel like you’re in complete autonomous control of everything. My role is in holding a gentle space, guiding with questions that arise.

Encountering Shadows

Shadow is the subconscious. Parts of you that has been rejected by self, family, and/or society for acceptance become subconscious. Finding your blind spots and bringing them conscious for resolution to feel safe enough to be seen, heard, and accepted. The value in bringing the subconscious conscious is, the opportunity for a healed state. Where the subconscious doesn’t take over your life without your awareness through emotions. The resistance to your shadow is an indicator of how much that emotion/part has been suppressed. Every shadow may look, feel, and be different. In doing so, it is only trying to communicate the pain it endured of not being accepted. Once shadow feels accepted and understood, shadow naturally feels no need to continue taking on the shadow role or ends up having no resistance and sees the value of itself.  Focusing on shadow does not create more shadow or ‘mess’.  Focusing on shadow for resolve will only lead to a clutter-free state of mind.

Parts Work

We all have many emotional states within us.  We all have many parts within us that hold specific emotions for every experience.  There are many different sides to us that hold their own perspective, feeling state, and memory of an experience.  In parts work, you get to experience taking on a specific part of you and surrendering to that feeling state completely to find resolution for integration. For example, taking on a part of yourself not trusting others vs. another part within you that does.  Having an open dialogue for resolution. This is a very powerful healing tool.

Inner Child Work

As adults, we think there are no parts of our child self in us because we are grown. Guess what? All the unresolved painful experiences we’ve dealt with as a child before around age 8 still plays a big role in your adult life. Most of us grew up in an environment that belonged to our parents instead of the whole family. What parents accepted and didn’t. What was right or wrong for parents. Children having to accept them. As adults we can still carry that subconscious painful childhood belief (shadow) that affects our daily lives in unhealthy ways. If not resolved, we can subconsciously pass it down to our children. In this work, I guide the adult to help resolve an inner child belief that no longer serves them by asking various questions. Logically and emotionally resolving an inner child wound gives rise to an expanded awareness. Especially illuminating for parents who want to parent better!


In life, there is love and hate.  Life and death and so on. In an integrated state there is only the state of unity of both opposing views.  Free of war from the opposing parts of self and others.  Integration is the key to a peaceful and harmonious life.  Imagine all humans in an integrated state.  Where we are all aware of not denying, but seeing, hearing, and understanding each other.  There would be no space for war and corruption to exist. Integration is not about being on one side or the other, it’s about being in the middle of both. Consciously being aware of utilizing contrast in a healthy way because one has complete genuine understanding of both sides. In this space, there is no want to harm (consciously or subconsciously) but peace. Wholeness.

For Parents

If you’ve chosen your life path to have children, you’ve already realized that there’s no role more challenging and pushing you to your edges of mental and emotional capacity. As well as the amount of love you find yourself in, loving your child.

I have often found that the completion process and parts work are amazing resources for parents to work through the deeper issues influencing their dynamic with their children. The framework is different from looking at parenting challenges and finding solutions in methods on HOW TO PARENT so that ‘my child will listen to me’ or ‘my child will stop doing - fill in the blank trigger -

When we work together, we will journey into your own child self so that your capacity to parent will expand. Until 8 years of age, children are still so closely intertwined with the emotional bodies of their parents. You becoming more whole and integrated will benefit your children as well.




  • Yes. All sessions are live and remote, Eastern Standard Time in the USA. I work various hours and have no problem accommodating your convenient time.

  • Yes. There is no difference in the outcome of your healing to have the video on or off. I do recommend having the video on if you struggle expressing how you feel so I can use your physical expression to help me guide you. In the end, if you just want the video off, then that is perfectly ok.

  • *Self-love

    *Recognizing, having, and continuously building a healthy relationship to light and shadow, conscious and subconscious, as my teachers

    *Quality of life- connection

    *Continuously manifesting healthy relationships and connections

    *Knowing and understanding when to see myself as separate and when its better seeing everything as oneness in healthy ways


    *So much more awareness in helping children

    *Gestation Trauma

    *Healed my neck pain

    *Healed circulation

    *Awakened unknown intuitive abilities

    *Able to see my internal reflected in the external and being able to change it




    *Love- in the sense of taking someone in as a part of myself

    *Liberation and Peace

    Honestly, this list can go on and on. Too many to list them all here.

  • I have a skill for details when I facilitate. A keen ability to notice subtle clues and feel into details that easily go unnoticed or bypassed.

    I excel at connecting the dots fairly quickly. This skill comes in handy as a facilitator. I didn’t acknowledge this skill until it was mentioned by Teal Swan and other healers at various stages of my life. Took me a long time to own this skill.

    I have no resistance in taking other peoples parts for parts work to reflect and mirror for healing to take place.

    I have experienced deceased family members come through in some of my clients’ sessions or in my personal life. I do not call spirits in. Sometimes they just show up to support the client in their healing journey. Sometimes, not often, a spirit might have a message for the client.

    I experience Ayahuasca in a sober state to receive messages about life or myself. Helping clients if they want to experience Ayahuasca sober. For them to eventually identify the experience on their own in their lives.

  • Yes. I have found various ways to do Parts Work with a client. One of them is taking on client’s resistant self and reflecting it back to them so they can have an open dialogue to find resolution.

    Only when you become familiar with parts work or resistant self is when I offer taking on your shadow. This is only for the purpose when a client gets really stuck. Taking on someone else’s part/shadow drains my energy physically and need a few hours or a day to recover. During recovery, I self care back to normal again.